Chocolate Rain!
Sum of 2+2 is 4
Chocolate Rain!
Who'd you expect to sing this song today?

Chocolate Rain!
Insanity is killing me and you're to blame
Chocolate Rain!
Working hard or slacking off all day

Chocolate Rain!
Ummmmmmmmmmm what?
Chocolate Rain!
Call me Tay Zonday and you're insane

Chocolate Rain!
I'm gonna be on tv one day
Chocolate Rain
I'm sorry I forgot the exclamation point

Chocolate Rain!
Did you know that rain rhymes with pain?
Chocolate Train!
What did I just say I'm not real sure

Chocolate Reign!
My spelling's really really bad today
Chclt Rn!
I think I forgot the vowels in that line

Chocolate Rain!
I'm very confused Ibetter just stop now
Chocolate Rain
Please make make this song famous somehow
