All working people in the past have had to fight
Every step of the way and
Every thing they have gained
Has been won through bitter struggle
From those who rule: and it is theChorus

Will of the people to fight on
In every possible way
To rid themselves of the parasites
Who live off their labour each day

People from all walks of life
Are giving full support to
The struggles of the working class
Conscious of their just demands
For a decent living wage
And this unity will growChorus

It's the will of the people to fight on
In every possible way
To rid themselves of the parasites
Who live off their labour each day

When the mineworker go on strike
To back up their just demands
Capital feels the tremor
Early warning of the earth quake to come
When the workers as a class unite
To seize the hourChorus

It's the will of the people to fight on
In every possible way
To rid themselves of the parasites
Who live off their labour each day
