The man of sorrows, he laid down his life,
For them who slumber and them that betray,
To choose the way of affliction and disgrace,
In death, a meaning to convey,
Though buried to rest, there's No Decay!
For death had passed away!
The man of sorrows, he laid down his life,
For them who slumber and them that betray,
For them that strive,
Yea! For them who go astray!
The whole creation groans and waits,
Together the Soul moans and anticipates,
Redemption from our bodies and decay,
Come drink with the Man of Sorrows,
Go down to the end of SELF,
And rise up with Him to Life,
The man of sorrows, He has been raised,
Far above all rule, and power, he's to be praised,
They rule with Him, that drink His bitter cup!
Resurrection, resurrection,
The life of Resurrection!