Perfect Life

When one life seems be perfect
You are in admiration
You think "This luck !"

But if you really look
A little bit inside
You can see the thing are not what
It seems be, not an amazing thing

You can try to go inside for look
But after you will feel afraid for what you will see

Chorus :
'Cause there are so much life
Just some perfect life apparently
These appearance are fake !
It's the characteristic of feature of "to seem"
These lives seems amazing
But they're not inside
There are so much broken dream
So much wither roses,
So much fragile hearts
Broken in one thousand pieces
But nobody can change that
That can't be stop
Only you
You have to drive your life
And live your life for you
Not for someone else

We will not call you :
Treacherous or selfish
It's human to want to live our life
Even if you have to take some step backwards
Do this, do what you think to be the fair ...

We will not blame you anyting
It's human to want to breathe
It's to you to choose the best for you ...


Change for the best for you
It's you who choose all
Choose where you want to go
Choose who you want to be
Choose what you want to keep
Your life is in your hands.
