We’ve been caught dancing
Out in the ocean
All our mistakes we left behind
Old wrongs forgotten
Past wounds pardon
At least while the band’s still the song
Hopelessly out of tune
I didn’t notice I was laughing
Dancing as if nothing were wrong
Swaying to the oldest songs
Thinking our futures must be brighter
The way your hair falls
Each step of this wals
Your eyes look lovely in this light
I could kiss you forever
Letting go never
Singing with my broken voice for you
Hopelessly out of tune
I didn’t notice I was laughing
Dancing as if nothing were wrong
Swaying to the oldest songs
Thinking our futures must be brighter
We’ve been caught dancing
We’ve been caught dancing
We were floathing
Afraid of nothing
We were glad we were both alive
We were caught dancing
We knew it wouldn’t be lasting
Made life worth living after all
We’ve been caught dancing
We’ve been caught dancing
We’ve been caught dancing
