Ernie is at the typewriter, pecking away Suddenly--
Ernie: "It's done! It's done! Hey Bert--it's done!"
Bert: "What? What's done?"
Ernie: "My story--greatest short story in the whole wide world, it's done Greatest story in the world, wait'll you hear it"
Bert: (groan) "Go ahead"
Ernie: "AB, CD"
Bert: "Ernie"
Ernie: "E, F,G"
Bert: "Ernie, that's the alphabet!"
Ernie: "Now comes the sad part (begins to cry) "HI, J, K" "
Bert: "Ernie"
Ernie: "L, M, N, OP"
Bert: "Oh, Ernie!" (shaking his head)
Ernie: "Now comes the action part! (reads excitedly) "Q! R, S! T! U, V!" "
Bert just groans
Ernie: "Here comes the wind-up--"W, X, Y--" "
Suddenly Ernie begins to roll up the paper Berts turns to him
Bert: "Well?"
Ernie: "Well what?"
Bert: "Well go on, finish it You went, "T, U, V, W, X, Y," and then you stopped Go on, finish the story"
Ernie: "And tell you how it ends? Then you'll never want to read it for yourself!"
(Laughs and goes off)
Bert: "Sighhhhhhhhhhhh"