Let's make the new year
Far from a blue year,
No need to think,
Just sing and drink good cheer!
Drown all your sorrow,
Live for tomorrow,
Just drift along
With wine and song,
Tonight no folly could be wrong,
So drink and be merry,
Here's where we bury
All thought of gloom,
We have no room for killjoys!
New Year, we greet you,
Let us entreat you
To bring good luck, good cheer,
Good fortune to those
Who welcome you as we all do
We have no room for thoughts of gloom,
Send them to an eternal doom!
For life keeps compelling us
And temptingly telling us
That youth can never last
As long as we'd like it to
So we're persuading you
To stop its evading you
And let it not slip past,
Try to hold to it fast
Why should we remember December?
The old year's done,
The happy new year has begun!
Just keep on dreaming and scheming
To make your life
A perfect round of wonderful fun!
Why should anyone be blue?
Life is full of things to do!
Let's just be jolly in folly,
Supremely gay
To speed the old year away!

New Year's resolutions,
Dear old institutions,
E'er the dawn we make them,
In the morning break them
Promises of virtue
Surely will not hurt you
Whisper them discretely,
Earnestly and sweetly

