Back back way back I used to fret at my hun,
Who'd play me for one with more pay
Still it was funny cos she'd paid no mind
As jerks lurk constantly
And my insecurity turned into maturity
As the years pass I find it hard to be monogomous
So do other brothers overseas (still synonomous)
Catch crazy laughs when I'm with female company
Something I must stop *^*^*^*^*^*^* step in front of me
So in public places I am often found in my trunk
Reaching for Gatts and smack goes this funk
Because I have the right to rip
And in spite of the few protests progress and I might smite ya
Once your gone your fronts they got no future
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* left and right suit ya
I know this and also notice advances
I think the papers they slip to my dip
With numeros and you sooneros think of jelly
Cos numbers left in the gutter lead to holy telies
So we see whos speak neat and we see whos free
The difference is gasoline
You slippin while I'm skin-dippin
Grips and grips of chumps far away