In the first row at the front of the frontlines
Stick your neck out belive in your right
To excercise a free will, own opinions and
Show some stamina, stay ahead of the line, Yeah!
We stand in line to defend our opinions
One by one we try to settle the score
When all you need is some serious enlightment
To back up your knowledge and prove your damn points
The barrier is breached and the barricades is torn down
Defence! defence! lingers the night
too hard, too rough, too furious
My mind and word is my weapons of choice
We try to improve our own tactics and
Find that argument to conquer them all
But all you need is some serious enlightment
Back up our knowledge and prove our damn points
Do you hear me?!
Don't burn the bridge just build them up
Brace yourself as you head for the wall
Take a stance with both feet on the concrete
You pause, aim, breathe, concentrate all that!
You stand in line to defend our opinions
One by one we try to settle the score
When all you need is some serious enlightment
To back up your knowledge and prove your goddamn......points!
We stand in line to defend our opinions and
One by one try to settle the score
When all you need is some serious enlightment
Back up your knowledge and hold your assistance and
Prove, you got to prove your goddamn point
(You throw a finger at them)
(Yeah, throw a finger at them)
Prove, you got to prove your goddamn point!
(You throw a finger at them)
(Yeah, throw a finger at them)
Cus punk! your words of wisdom should be bulletproof
Try to stand tall when you are under fire