Cast down to the filth
A god and a leper
I stumble, mind weak yet sublime
At the liquor’s respite,
This force trapped in flesh
Tearing at my psyche
Unforgiving depression…
As man I fall
Weak, bitter, melancholic
Forsaking the will of being
To force you out
That trust tarnished,
I feed on the blood of Eros
But cannot stop the bleating ambiance,
The scenes from paradise that are
Carving their niche out of my soul
The sun pours out my pain
Monuments fade like dreamless hope
Ice forms
A tomb wherein I (palisaded)
As the sea engulfs the writhing throng…
I have been murdered, yet
I feel nothing,
But still I decay…
I decay
I decay
The bloodline impure
Severed from her paternal womb…
I mutilate and rot endlessly
Without lineage…
«For I am without regret
And nothing remains.»
As my human heart no longer beats,
Lifted into the nether
I lay down my will upon tainted grounds,
The air of woodland smoke surrounding,
Binding the burdened
To hang above
Such weeping stares
Of quintessential lust,
Their eyes upon it Mine beginning to blur,
Crushed by this ghastly visage…
