This is a song for the average American
Let go of your realities
(middle class small town mentalities):
The truths - your truths -
That even now dominate your little world
There are lives, and hopes, and dreams -
Other breathing human beings
Whose existence you ignore
With "harmless" jokes, and words, and more,
But you say that it's their choice,
As if that makes it all okay
Well it's not okay
Our nation's choking on apathy
They wage a war you never had to declare
And sacrifice with their blood, love, and tears
You've not the mind
To see the world through their eyes
Your true colors show
You don't fucking care
You talk of world communities,
Oblivious to what that really means:
That you, yes, you,
Truly have the biggest part in this to play
The ideals you so praise rest on one contingency:
You find some untapped empathy
You've not the time to see the hurt in their eyes
You don't even know
Well I fucking care
We proclaim greatness
And drown the logic that informs us
That "greatest" does not necessarily
Entail adequate or sufficient,
And this vocabulary reinforces our lethargy
By implying that improvement
Is a relic of the past
Freedoms are not guaranteed in preserved ink,
But realized in the everyday relationships of a community
Hope screams out for life
In the vein of choice
And each to his own
I am disgusted by your blatant lack of care
For your fellow human beings
Suffering because of you,
And I don't blame you for who you are,
But for not attempting
To try to change yourself this day
This is my truth of your liberty:
The dangerous doctrine of empathy
This is a song for the average American
On who our future now rests upon,
And I fucking care