Deep within there is a vision
That time is nothing but space,
And between every minute and mile that is in it
Somehow there is a beautiful face
And its all such a delicate balance
That the sport of infinity gives,
Expectations we have can lead down the path
Where that devil discouragement lives
I dreamed I was barer than naked
And it scared me so bad that I called,
"Help me back to the prison, with the chains of the living"
Although nothing had hurt me at all
And its all such a delicate balance
As it turns through the circles of air,
To worry does nothing but steals from the loving
And robs from the pleasure that's there
To worry does nothing but steals from the loving
And robs from the pleasure that's there
Deep within there is a feeling
That love and understanding's the door,
And honesty is the key that was given to you and me
To open it and so many more
And its all such a delicate balance
Takes away just as much as it gives,
To live it is real, to love it is to feel
You're a part of what everything is
And its all such a delicate balance
As it turns through the circles of air,
To worry does nothing but steals from the loving
And robs from the pleasure that's there
And its all such a delicate balance
Takes away just as much as it gives,
To live it is real, to love it is to feel
You're a part of what everything is
