"My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us The Five Pointed
Star, with a circle in the Middle, and the circle is Red My colour is
black to the blind, but the blue and gold are seen of the seeing Also
I have a secret glory for them that love me"

"Heading For Internal Darkness"
Internal darkness ia a state of complete detachment from the world and other
people It is to be achieved with utmost difficulty and at the cost of one's
self and personality The term "darkness" refers to the state of primeval
non-existence rather than to any opposition to the ideologies of light

"The Innermost Ambience"
There's a lot of means for Conversation and Knowledge of the Holy Guardian
Angel (nothing to do with usual Christian connotations) This entity, Deus
Absconditus (Hidden God), communicates one's True Will - that is, Destiny
The invocational styles vary from ascetism to the use of psychosexual forces
Yet success is independent of our lust, however hard the practices are

The person of Austin Osman Spare (1888-1956) is a splendid example
of misunderstood and forgotten genius Deserving the fame of Beardsley,
he is now almost unknown outside the occult scene Trained in ceremonial
magic under A Crowley, he later created h is own ZOS KIA CULTUS, which
can be called "urban shamanism" The famous sigilization, some Chaos
Magick principles, etc bear his influence Besides many breath-taking
art pieces of painting he left several books where the passion of Blake
meets Nietzsce he's harshness

"Fractal Light"
The lyric is a necessarily very general and simplified take
on Chaos Magick - a modern system of thought that allows for
the combination of mixing of all other systems and canons
as long as they suit purposes of a mage

"True Names"
"We are gods 'cause only we can create the ideas
and systems in our holy brains" YELLO

"The Beast Raping"
John Whiteside Parsons (1914-1952) - a brilliant rocket fuel scientist
and one of the oddest disciples of ACrowley, the Beast 666 Obsessed
by the vision of Whore Goddess BABALON, he was engaged in very complex
practises to incarnate Her emanation in a woman's body The action was
disapproved by Crowley and, as some occultists argue, the dangerous rites
Parsons performed resulted in his violent death in a home explosion For his
NASA contribution one of the Moon's dark side craters was named after him

"Foetus God"
"For the high point their teology consists of these two things:
hissing at demons and skething the cross on their foreheads"
Flavius Claudius Julianus (332-363)
Roman Caesar (Julian the Apostate) (361-363)
"What are the fruits of Chrisianity?
Bigotry, superstition and persecution"
James Madison (1751-1836) US fourth President (1809-1817)

"The Red Passage"
"The red passage of Samadhi, Blood-Vision"
Kenneth Grant

"Distant Dream"
to Know, means possessing Wisdom, to use Wisdowm, means Art,
but using Art, means danger and sometimes warnings come too late

"Black To The Blind"
"Black to the blind" is a quotation from "BOOK OF THE LAW" (LIBER AL vel
LEGIS), written down by A Crowley Years later he commented it thus:
"The uninitiated perceive only darkness in night: the wise perceive
the golden stars in the vault of azure" The same can be said of us,
worshipping the Goddess in the true riteless ceremony of existence

The original and most fantastic Gnosis (out of which the Xtian
version arose) derived from leaskages from the Egyptian mysteries
The main body, however, died out with the priests who kept their
silence EE Rehmus "The magician's dictionary"
