Из альбома: Heart Breaks Into a Song

Heart breaks into a song
The only one it knows
But no one sings along
They just stare

Heart breaks into a song
And everybody stops
Where does that sound come from
It's an awkward show
But I'm no ventriloquist
What the hell is going on

Heart breaks into a song
The only one it knows
But no one sings along
Are they just scared
When my heart breaks into a song

Heart breaks into a song
An organ-grinding song
The voice is shrill yet so strong
Something unheard of
Hey cardiologist
Tell me what is wrong

Heart breaks into a song
The only one it knows
But no one sings along
Well I don't care
When my heart breaks into a song

Catch that song before it's gone
Ttake it home and sing it to your darling

Heart breaks into a song
Please tell me doctor
What am I to do
When it sings like this

Heart breaks into a
Heart breaks into a
Heart breaks into a
Heart breaks into a song
