And - and
And I'll take you away, take you far, far away out of here,
Far, far away till the walls and the streets disappear

Somewhere there must be a place we can feel we're free,
Somewhere there's got to be some place for you and for me
(As he sings, the walls of the apartment begin to move off,
leaving city walls surrounding them The two lovers begin to
run, battering against the walls of the city, breaking through
as chaotic figures of the violent gangs flail around them
But they do break through and suddenly they are in a world of
space and air and sun They stop, looking at if, pleased,
startled as boys and girls from both sides come on)

(They begin to dance, to play: no sides, no hostility now;
just joy and pleasure and warmth As Tony and Maria begin
the steps of a gentle love dance, a voice is heard singing)
