I pissed in your mountain dew, you didn't even notice,
Are you that fucking dumb that you can't taste piss?
Now they'll rush you to the emergency room and give you a stomach pump
I'll say that urine's a lot better than eating all that junk food
Its fortified with lots of riboflavonoids and vitamin C and shit and whatnot
If you don't believe me then you can drink my pee
If you get out of the hospital stay the fuck away from me
You've been bitching all your life, dude stop whining You'll be alright
Why do all the ska bands say pickitup they go
Pickituppickitupickitup but what did I put down you fuck?
Did you think I dropped a beat? Put it down and it's complete,
Chris is a veggie boy cause he doesn't like to eat meat
Rudy wears a suit and tie it's 100 degrees outside
Aren't you hot or is style that important to you?
As you can see that 2-Tone whatever ain't for me
I put it down now 123
You've been bitching all your life, if you stop whining you'll be alright
I'm gonna try to make it through the night