I don't want to scare you
I don't want to be you anymore
What's in store? Well, I don't want to be popular
High school superstar
Didn't take it very far
So pick another winner 'cause I won't buy in
I'm sick of hearing what you see in me
Fake the smile
Working mode
Sitting in a cubicle and doing shit that I don't want
Like organizing back to front
Wipe the smile off my face
Stuck here in the same place
Where everybody's moving forward and I stay stagnant
I'm sick of hearing what you see in me
You're not anything I want to be
All I ever wanted was to do something right
And now that chance is gone
I'll feel like I've done wrong
I fucked things up for everyone!
Go walk away
Go walk away because this isn't where you want to be
All I've got is four chords
As I sit and stare I realize for good that it's nothing special
It's just a punk show
--"And I don't know and I don't know
Equipment? It goes in the back
I'm sorry but you go on last
You don't have a guest list
The lady here is really pissed
She says your band is way too loud and she don't like it"
Call the cops 'cause we're not gonna leave
--"Please give me a tip, kid
I don't know what I'm doing
I play a song, it sounds all wrong,
You can't tell what the fuck I'm saying
It doesn't rock
It kind of sucks
I'm overusing the word fuck
I sell a CD for ten bucks
Please go buy it"
Call the cops 'cause we're not gonna leave
We'll exchange closet spaces with our insecurities
All I ever wanted was to be more than second best
Kiss my ass goodbye
We're breaking up tonight
I'm starting to feel I'm getting stuck here
Go walk away
Go walk away 'cause this isn't where you want to be
All I've got is four chords
As I sit and stare I realize for good that it's nothing special
Four chords, then the bridge
It's so predictable
And no matter what you want
You'll never curb my self-depreciation now